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USA Insider WWE Monday Night Raw

Ezekiel Challenges Seth Rollins After Riddle Stomp – But He Doesn't Come Out On Top

Seth Rollins managed to Stomp Riddle twice before being challenged by Ezekiel in the locker room.

By Ethan Absler

Last night on Monday Night RAW, Kevin Owens held a special edition of the KO show that descended into chaos and led to Seth Rollins having a match against Ezekiel. Before the match took place, Owens’s scheduled guest was none other than the King of Bros, Matt Riddle.

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With a scheduled match against Seth Rollins at SummerSlam, the chill yet charismatic Riddle strutted to the ring before talking with Kevin Owens about both his opponent and his mental health. Owens goes on to say the situation between him and Ezekiel has reached a boiling point. Owens starts telling Riddle that he actually respects and admires his laid-back and relaxed approach to life and could really take a page out of his book. He proposes that the two team up and call their team Bro-KO. At that point, Riddle had heard enough. As he turned to leave the ring, Seth Rollins’ music hit, and Rollins attacked Riddle from behind.

He stomps Riddle twice before leaving the ring.

In the locker room, Rollins says he attacked Riddle to soften him up for their SummerSlam match, something Ezekiel overhears and does not appreciate. In an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” moment, Ezekiel challenges Rollins to a match. 

The two start off by trading holds before Ezekiel takes control. Rollins would eventually regain the lead with a knee to the back of the head, but couldn’t stay ahead for long. Ezekiel had a counter for everything Rollins tried until he finally caught Ezekiel with a massive Superplex. Rollins would finish the job with a Stomp to Ezekiel and pick up the decisive victory ahead of his match with Riddle at SummerSlam. This was a significant victory for Rollins — and all about sending the right message. That he got to soften up Riddle in the process was just the cherry on top. 

Make sure to tune into SummerSlam a week from Saturday streaming live on Peacock to catch Seth Rollins vs. Riddle! 

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