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USA Insider Chucky

Which Jennifer Tilly Movie Is Tiffany Forcing Nica To Watch Over And Over In 'Chucky'?

We'd also like some answers on how one makes millions off a "The Simpsons" cameo.

By Caitlin Busch
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Jennifer Tilly may be best known in Hollywood as the fan-favorite serial killer and all-around fashion icon Tiffany Valentine in Don Mancini’s “Child’s Play” franchise, but that’s not her only claim to fame. In Season 2, Episode 2 of USA Network and SYFY’s “Chucky,” we get a nod to Tilly’s past work to up the ante on the series’ meta madness.

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“Child’s Play” horror fans will recall that for some time now, Tiffany Valentine — Charles Lee Ray’s longtime main squeeze — has inhabited the body of the in-world Jennifer Tilly (because Tilly is simply too fabulous for one reality to contain). Season 2 sees Tiff living in the lap of luxury in Jennifer Tilly’s sprawling Los Angeles-based mansion, in which she’s trapped and maimed the new love of her life, Nica Pierce (Fiona Dourif). In Episode 2, we see how Tiff and Nica pass the time together, and it largely seems to center around Tiff reliving the onscreen roles her famous meat suit has played.

On the living room television, we see an iconic scene from the classic 1997 Jim Carrey vehicle “Liar, Liar,” in which Tilly plays a gold digger named Samantha Cole, who’s in the midst of a contentious divorce. Carrey’s slimy lawyer character Fletcher Reede is her attorney, but the case goes sideways when his son wishes him incapable of lying, resulting in Fletcher being unable to tell even the smallest of fibs. Not the greatest thing for a less-than-savory lawyer.

(Editor’s note: We’d say “spoiler warning,” but this movie came out 25 years ago.)

Samantha, who’d been driven to even greater greed by Fletcher before his son made the wish, demands an additional $10,000 in monthly child support as she tries to drag their children away from their father. She won her case initially, but others’ greed had only corrupted her further.

The same could be said for Tiffany in “Child’s Play.” Sure, Tiff was always a monster, as we learned in “Chucky” Season 1, but she’s undoubtedly been driven further to the edge of madness by all her years with Chucky.

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We see the results of this in the episode as Tiff obsessively rewatches old Tilly movies and shows and then can’t seem to interact with a detective who comes knocking (and whom she kills at the end of the episode). While Nica calls it “sad” for Tiff to be sitting around watching the same movies over and over again, Tiffany insists it’s necessary. What’s really necessary, Nica counters, is to book a job. Because of her extravagant lifestyle, Tiffany has burned through all “$100 million” from Tilly’s work on “The Simpsons.”

(Editor’s note: Jennifer Tilly has starred in one episode of “The Simpsons,” Season 24’s “Gone Abie Gone,” in which she voiced herself.)

Will we see other nods to Tilly's real-life roles over the years in future episodes? Keep watching "Chucky" on USA Network and SYFY to find out. New episodes premiere on Wednesday nights at 9/8c. 

You can watch all of "Chucky" Season 1 on Peacock.

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