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USA Insider Miz & Mrs

'I Am Relieved': 'Miz & Mrs' Latest Episode Clip Sees Mike And Maryse Being Couple Goals

Mike and Maryse of "Miz & Mrs" prove they're the perfect couple in a new clip for Season 3, Episode 4.

By Tyler McCarthy

Episode 4 of “Miz & Mrs” Season 3 is the one where it finally happens. It’s the one where The Miz learns that, despite his hard work, he was eliminated from “Dancing With The Stars.” 

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Stream Seasons 1-3 of "Miz & Mrs" on Peacock.

The WWE Superstar grappled with the decision to do the physically demanding competition show early in the season and spent all last week agonizing over his haters and the pressure he felt to perform well during “Grease” week. However, in Episode 4 he learns that his dancing journey finally came to an end in ninth place. 

In a clip for the episode, though, Mike admits that he’s not as broken up about the whole thing as his loving and supportive wife, Maryse, seems to think he is. 

The clip opens with Maryse showing him a bruise she got while they're laying in bed together. As he often does, Mike uses the moment to get a little frisky with her. He even jokingly uses his disappointment over his elimination as a bit of a bargaining chip. 

“It feels pretty bad that I didn’t win. I mean I won the big prize by marrying you,” he says while giving her what we’ll call husband eyes. “You want to dance with me right now? We can do the horizontal tango.” 

Although he’s just being a goof, it seems Maryse takes it to heart. The next morning, he wakes up to find her cooking up a storm in the kitchen. She presents him with a massive breakfast of fruit, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and potatoes in an effort to cheer him up and get him started regaining the weight he’ll need to return to the WWE ring. 

“I just thought, since you got eliminated and it’s kind of a sad event in your heart,” she says of the breakfast. “I can tell it’s bittersweet.”

The Miz is genuinely touched, but it slowly dawns on him that Maryse is under the impression he’s really broken up about not winning “Dancing With The Stars.” In a confessional, he lets the viewers know what’s really on his mind. 

“Come here, can I let you in on a little secret?” he says to the camera. “I am relieved that I got eliminated from ‘Dancing With The Stars,’” he says. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved the experience, it was amazing, but all I thought about 24/7 was dancing, and that pressure is now all gone and it feels … amazing.” 

“And how about this?” he adds of Maryse's extra diligent wife'ing. “If I play my cards right, this can go on for a very long time.” 

Will The Miz truly get to reap the false benefits of his “sadness,” or will his deception blow up in his face and lead him to never dance the horizontal tango ever again? Fans will just have to tune into “Miz & Mrs” Season 3, Episode 4 on USA Network to find out.

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