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USA Insider Snake in the Grass

The Snake Is A Master Of Disguise In Episode 6 Of 'Snake In The Grass' — Here's Who Won

In Episode 6, is the Snake Chelsea, Brandon, Nai, or Michael? The players find out in one of the most intense bonfires yet.

By Becca van Sambeck
The Snake Is Revealed! Can She Outsmart Her Team?
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The Snake Is Revealed! Can She Outsmart Her Team?

On "Snake In The Grass," four players have to determine who among them is the Snake, based off clues they receive from host Bobby Bones and how each of them performs in the challenges. It's always important to keep in mind that anyone could be the Snake ... which proved especially true in Episode 6.

How to Watch

Stream all eight episodes of "Snake in the Grass" on Peacock.

So, who was the Snake?

We start off the episode by meeting our four contestants: Brandon Horton, a strength and conditioning coach; Chelsea Scott, an artist; Michael Steinbech, a construction project manager; and Piper "Nai" Knight, who runs a non-profit surf camp for veterans.

They jump right into the first challenge, which sees one player pull themselves across a line suspended 300 feet above a canyon, using only their own strength. Then they must pull the other three players on the line next to the first one, as those players grab the five medallions that are attached to that second line. If they collect all five, they'll win.

The challenge does not go well: Michael is chosen to be the first person to go across, and he never makes it — he gets too exhausted and says he simply cannot make it. Help is needed to bring him over, and they don't get the clue.

Snake In The Grass 106 Preview

They do manage to get a clue when they reach camp for the night, which advises them, "The Snake was a bully, a title well-earned, but it didn't take long for the tables to turn. Had they just held back and not pushed so far, Snake would not be left with a scar." 

What could it mean? The group just doesn't know.

The second challenge involves wading through a river, finding pieces of wood, and using those wood pieces to redirect water into a hollow log, which would send a key inside floating out. Once they retrieve the key, they can unlock a box with the final clue inside. The team manages to win, which is how they learn, "The Master in a Dungeon with many a disguise, the Snake has a voice that change before your eyes."

At the Snake Pit, Brandon reveals he is suspicious of Michael, noting he should have seemed more sore the day after he "gave it his all" in the first challenge, and that he thinks Michael actually could have gotten across the line if he had tried. Michael argues Brandon is the one who insisted he go first, even though Brandon was the strongest player.

Chelsea, however, is in favor of Nai as the Snake. She claims Nai is shut off, doesn't let anyone ask her questions, and doesn't help much — which she says is like a "master in a dungeon." Brandon argues that it's a reference to Michael's "duality" and that he's making himself seem different than he is.

Two people vote for Nai, one person votes for Michael, and one person votes for Brandon. But it turns out Brandon was right: The Snake is Michael!

Michael admits he plays Dungeons and Dragons, and he was a school bully as a child. His strategy was to tell lies from the very beginning to throw people off, but says he didn't intend to completely bomb the first challenge. 

"Who are you?" Chelsea laughs as she hears the extent of Michael's duplicity.

Tune into "Snake In The Grass" Mondays at 11 E.T./P.T. on USA Network.


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