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USA Insider The Courtship

The 3 Suitors We Wish Nicole Rémy Kept Around On 'The Courtship'

We know Ms. Nicole Rémy has to be true to her heart when making her final choice on "The Courtship," but we just loved some of these suitors!

By Tara Bennett
Left to right: Suitors Dan, Jaquan, and Lincoln

We’re finally at the finale for "The Courtship," where Ms. Nicole Rémy has to pick the man who might hold her heart forever: It's either Mr. Jesse Judge, Mr. Christian Cones, or Mr. Danny Bochicchio. How you may feel about the trio is most certainly dictated by their behavior over the past 12 weeks and their individual chemistry with Nicole. And ultimately, we can watch (and judge) over her shoulder, but this is entirely her choice and she’s got to be true to herself. 

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But … there’s no harm in looking back at a few of the gentlemen who we are personally still a little disappointed danced back to their lives, alone, in prior episodes. Just to be clear, we know Ms. Rémy made some very good decisions about several suitors she left behind. But if her final choice doesn’t work out for the long haul, maybe these gentlemen are worth a second look?

Mr. Jaquan Holland

We’re not gonna lie, it kinda broke our hearts when Jaquan was sent home in “Battle of the Brits.” We get that he certainly wasn’t as brash as some of the other suitors, but this guy is a teacher and has a daughter — aka he’s a grown-up. He’s certainly got the smarts for someone like Nicole, but more importantly he has the heart. A man who can find excitement in teaching kids to find their passion is someone worth getting to know.

Plus, he straight up cried when he said goodbye to her during his elimination. It’s like the chemistry fairies showed up too late — but that doesn’t mean they can’t spark again!

Mr. Lincoln Chapman

Yes, he’s been the cad of the competition by barging into places he is not welcome and not following the rules, but it's clear there was some genuine chemistry between him and Nicole. Maybe it’s the kind of relationship that would have flamed out fast if they had given it a go, but we bet it would have been fun while it lasted. 

Mr. Dan Hunter

Having lived around the world, Dan had the air of a man who had figured things out because he’s lived a rich and full life. Let’s face it, some of the suitors have the Peter Pan vibe of never growing up, and that was not the case with Mr. Hunter. Nicole is a smart woman who should have her life expanded by her love match. Dan was definitely someone who could have given her that.

New episodes of "The Courtship" air Wednesdays at 11 p.m. ET on USA Network. Catch up now on USA Network or on the USA Network app. Episodes are also streaming on Peacock.

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